…am I slowly letting go?

each day it gets a little easier. I think this is both good news and bad news. Good news because I am moving on and learning to cope. Because I  starting to move forward with my life. But also bad news for the exact same reason. Moving on also means closing that chapter in my life. It means letting him go. I think that’s what I’m scared about most, is letting him go.

But It’s nice to know that I was that for someone. I was their person and they were mine. I had everything that girls dreamed of. I fell in love and they loved me too. I had it all. But sometimes having it all and being in love just isn’t enough. I think that’s the really tricky part. Making it work.

I’ve also realized that loving you or anyone for that matter doesn’t mean I have to love every single part of them too. I don’t have to love your flaws.



in light of recent events, i have made the decision to make a drastic shift in my life. this is a blog to record my journey, and the things that i find along the way. as cliche as it may sound, i am working to find myself. i want to be independent-not just physically and financially, but emotionally and mentally too. i am learning to love myself without the validation of others.

